What is SocialRx?
SocialRx is a comprehensive end-to-end case management software system tailored to streamline work for social prescribing teams. At the heart of it, SocialRx empowers individuals and communities to connect, fostering a supportive environment conducive to holistic wellbeing.
Supporting connection in the community
Alongside the SocialRx software, we provide expert guidance drawing from over 25 years of experience in health and social care. The mission? – to revolutionise how social prescribing services operate.
Enhance community engagement by 35%
An evaluation report from the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK found that patients participating in social prescribing were 35% more likely to engage with community resources and activities
28% reduction GP appointments
As a result of social prescribing
24% reduction A&E visits
By directing people to more appropriate services via social prescribing
People referred to social prescribing by 2024
Enhancing efficiency and efficacy in delivering social prescribing services
Effortlessly access a comprehensive directory of services with SocialRx, simplifying the process of social prescribing referrals for healthcare professionals. Users can easily refer individuals, including facilitating self-referrals if needed, ensuring seamless access to support services tailored to specific needs.
This streamlined approach not only enhances collaboration among care teams but also empowers individuals to take charge of their health and wellbeing, fostering a community-centric model of care that prioritises holistic support.